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How running affects weight loss

If you want to lose weight, you have to exercise. Running is one of the best activities that you can do to help promote weight loss and well-being. Find out the benefits of using running for exercise and decide if you might want to find out how to start jogging in this article.

The benefits of running for trying to lose weight

Running is an intense aerobic activity. During a run, the body burns calories - about 700 per hour. It forces the body to burn fat as a source of energy, making running a great activity to help the body quickly get rid of excess fat. Over time, not only will stored fat begin to melt away, but the body will also become leaner as fat turns into muscles. With more muscle and less fat, the body will naturally burn more calories even while at rest. Running everyday, or simply three or four days a week, can also help to boost your metabolism. This means that even if you are trying to lose weight, while running regularly, you can consume more food without actually gaining weight. It is important however, to consume healthy foods if you are trying to lose weight and to support the body while you are running. Be sure to include whole grains, plenty of fruits and vegetables and lean proteins as part of a runner's diet.

Running everyday

Beginning to run can be difficult. If you want to learn how to run and to make running a part of your everyday life, try starting slow. Begin with a short jog three days a week. Start with 10-15 minutes and increase your time by five minutes every two weeks. Stretch before and after each jog to prepare your muscles for a workout and to prevent injury. Once you have mastered the light jog, start moving faster and running more. Run four to five days a week for at least 30 minutes. Start by jogging for five minutes to warm up and then keep a brisk pace. Try running on hills and finding more challenging routes. Start timing yourself to see if you can run a faster time than the week before. Final word Running is not only a great way to lose weight, but it is enjoyable once you get over the hurdle of beginning running. Weight loss will no longer be a challenge and health can be a normal part of your everyday life.

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