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How to build a brand?

Building your business brand is a complex but necessary part of your marketing strategy. The branding process will transform your company from just a provider to the solution to a client's problem and a name they remember. Increasing your brand value will also increase your company value, and in the case of your personal branding, help you on your successful career as a professional.

What Is brand identity?

Brand identity is something that makes a company different from the others. It represents the array of attributes that people associate with the brand. It can be a logo, positive attributes such as the most friendly customer service on the Internet or even a personality that is associated with the brand. You will have achieved success at creating your own brand when the name of your company comes to people's minds when they have a problem your products could solve.

How to build a brand online?

What does your company represent? Building a brand starts with deciding what is your company about, and what personality it should have. Are you cool? Trendy? Corporate? Make sure your brand is suited to your audience and create a coherent message. Diversification of services You cannot really be "The Friendly Help desk Company" if all your help desk does is send back automated replies or your phone lines are always busy. Keep in mind that customer satisfaction is vital to create a positive image online, and news of bad service or products spread fast.
Making yourself and your company known You can build your brand by placing your logo and products on related websites, sponsoring events that are somehow related to your products and services or even engaging on guerrilla marketing tactics, such as viral videos or amusing stunts.

The problem of branding online

The importance of branding traditionally and now Before the Internet, most small businesses didn't have a brand and they didn't really care about it. Brands were things such as Coke or Mercedes. Nowadays the Internet has changed the game and allows a more even playing field where size is not so important as being able to deliver what your clients need, and have enough personality to create a recognisable product.
Can brands remain evergreen?
However, that means the game is always changing and what used to be a famous brand one month is forgotten as soon as somebody else comes up with a more shocking marketing strategy. Unless your brand is based around a satisfied customer base, it will always be at risk of being forgotten.

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