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How to create a website for free?

People can make their own website for free. There is free hosting and no need to even pay one dime. This is indeed possible in the world of today. As such, offers free websites. One can have not one but two websites without paying a cent.

How to set up a free web page?

Creation of a web page In order to set up a free web page , it is necessary to go to and set up an account which is quite easy. Once this is done, the individual needs to decide between having an Adsense site by Google in the account or not. Starting a web page is easy to do. Payment to Weebly Since everything free comes with a price, the free web page can only be created if the person agrees to give Weebly half the income of his or her Adsense account. To some, the amount may be small but for others, it can be big. Quality of the free website As a matter of fact, the site is very beautiful and one can get top quality pictures and setup. This extremely professional website is free and creating it is really easy.

Making your own homepage

Homepage You can make your own site by using their preset drag on elements. If you want to post a picture, a title or your own Adsense banner, you just need to just drag and place. You can start with the title of the page, whose size can be increased or decreased. The colour of the font can be changed and the font can be made bold or italics. The banner In order to add in an Adsense banner, you need to decide on the size of the banner which can be chosen from a leader board to a smaller vertical type. The page concept The page concept can be set up with a picture and a text or just plain text. As earlier mentioned earlier, the font and the colour can be increased. This shows that building a website is very simple.

Making money on the new website

Sale of products on the website In order to make money on the free web page, you need to add a PayPal button. This will give you the ability to sell anything on the web page such as products or an eBook. You need to go to PayPal so as to get an HTML code which can be posted on the website. This is done by using one of their drag and place elements for HTML codes. A PayPal button will show up and the customers can pay right through the site itself.

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