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How to find out the current silver price

The current silver price is available from any broker, full service or onlne, and also frm the newspaper and several TV networks. There are various prices to be accessed: spot price, futures price, and prices of silver-related stocks. There are also various ways to invest in silver: physical silver, futures, and stocks or ETFs related to silver prices.

The silver market

Silver is a metal which has uses in jewelry similar to gold. However, it also has industrial applications. As a result, it can be traded in a couple of ways: it can be related to gold prices and the precious metals market, which is traded more like a currency, it can be traded like an industrial metal, moving generally cyclically with commodity prices and the economy. Physical silver Investors rarely enter this market. It is reserved for those who want jewelry, or who have an industrial purpose. Silver is used widely in industry because of its high thermal and electrical conductivity. Spot rates If you buy silver today, you will pay the spot price, that is, the price for silver for immediate delivery. Silver futures Silver futures are used by those in the business to lock in prices for delivery at a certain time, or to hedge against sudden price fluctioations. They can also be used by investors to bet on the direction silver pirces will be heading. ETFs The simplest way to enter the silver market is through an ETF. These track the price of silver by investing in physical silver and silver futures, and/or approximating a silver investment by buying stock in companies which mine silver or are otherwise involved in the siver trade.

Where to get prices

Full-service brokers If you have a full-service broker, you can call him and get the latest market quotes for silver: in the spot market, futures, ETF or stock. Online brokers Every brokerage will have silver prices on its trading platform, though you will not be able to buy physical silver through them. TV networks Both CNBC and Bloomberg have the silver quotes on their screens every couple of minutes. Best price to look at The front-month futures price is generally considerd the best guide to silver prices. For a quick check on what is happening to silver prices, it may be useful to follow one of the ETFs which track silver. For investing purposes, these are certainly the most convenient vehicles.

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