How to keep your coffee table white
Keeping your coffee table white can be a bit of a challenge, especially if your home is a casual one where you may have sloppy family members, messy children or pets. However, having your furniture clean and pristine is a great way to make sure your home looks good for you and any guests who come in. Having a white coffee table that actually stays white is not an impossible dream - you just have to do a bit of work to make sure it stays nice.
Minimise dirt
White coffee tables are going to be susceptible to dirt more than other colours simply because white will show any spots. Therefore, the best way to keep your coffee table white is to keep dirt and potentially dirt-creating items off of the coffee table. How to do? - Have people take their shoes off before going in the room with the coffee table, or at least before allowing them to kick their feet up on the table. - Put a tray on the coffee table which is made of wood to allow for people to place things like drinks on there without using the white surface or consider having coasters or even place mats on the top of the coffee table so that nothing is being set right on the surface itself. - Do not allow eating on the coffee table - it is not a dining table, it is for decoration. All of these steps can help to make sure that your white living room stays white and that the white side tables and coffee table do not become dirty and marked.
Other tips
There are a few other tips which can help you keep your white coffee and side tables white as well. For one thing, be smart about materials. A white wood table or white gloss furniture made of plastic is going to be easier to keep clean than an upholstered white coffee table, since wood and plastic can simply be wiped down with a sponge. Finally, you can try to keep touch up materials around the house in case your white coffee table starts to look more dingy. A fresh coat of white paint can make all the difference. So, keep the white colour paint can in a closet or basement so that it is ready when you need it.