How to remodel a bathroom
The bathroom became a room of importance at the end of the 19th century. In the beginning, the fixtures and the room was plain but, as the time progressed, the style changed and colour entered the bathroom as well. The styles continued to change with time. When you are considering renovating your bathroom, you need to take into account a number of details.
The house
When you are undertaking bathroom renovations, you need to take into account the style of the rest of the house. If the house is Victorian, then the renovations of the bathroom need to match the rest of the house. Try to choose colours that were used during the period. The Victorian bathroom was plain and featured a lot of white with white tiles and black borders. The colours changed during other periods. In the 1930s, the colours were blue, light yellow and light green. Picking the proper colours will help to match the bathroom with the rest of the house.
The floor space
The floor space should be considered when doing a bath remodel. The fixtures need to fit in the space while allowing for plenty of room in which to move around. It might be helpful to make a scale drawing, using a piece of graph paper. This will allow you to plot exactly how the fixtures will be arranged in the bathroom. Some considerations that would be difficult to change will be the plumbing, which may require a plumber to alter. By plotting out the position of the fixtures, you will save yourself the bother of installing them, not liking their position and having to change them again.
The fixtures
The fixtures should be considered. The style of the fixtures should be considered as well. If the bathroom is in a house that is old-fashioned, then the fixtures should be retro or at least look old-fashioned. The fixtures should also fit into the space. If the room is small, you may not be able to put in a full-sized bath. Then, perhaps, a shower should be considered. In order to make the shower fit in the room, a shower that is mostly in glass would work well.