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The pros and cons of direct mail campaigns

Direct mail campaigns have come up as a great tool for lobbying and marketing purposes. Mass emails sent through direct mailing is also a great way to create awareness, position the product or survey or to brand a company. However, there are many aspects of email services and according to their limitations, the mass mailing campaigns should be moderated and managed. This article will address some pros and cons of direct mail campaigns.


Mass email campaigns are processes in which a particular mail is sent to a large number of individuals. It is often part of a marketing campaign which is made to either involve the customers in the marketing process and/or to sell a product, service or an idea. These processes often need direct mail lists or targeted mailing lists and creators of email campaigns often take the help of marketing software.


1. Direct mailing campaigns reach the customers or the targeted audience directly and hence, they are very effective. 2. Mass mailing campaigns are very cost-effective. They just need Internet connections and the email addresses of the recipients. 3. The mass mailing campaigns often address the right kind of solutions for the targeted audience. As emails are often selected according to the need, it is often sent to the right section of population. 4. The direct marketing campaigns are accessible to everybody, provided that they have an email address. The interesting emails are often forwarded to friends by the email recipients. So, it can reach anyone irrespective of location, region, caste, religion or geographical barriers. Therefore, they are equal for everyone. 5. Email marketing campaigns are very effective as the results could be seen instantly. It saves enough time and money.


1. Sometimes, email campaigns can be disturbing or bothering for a person who doesn’t want to be involved in the marketing campaign. 2. As good policies, products and services can be distributed. However, there are also many negative aspects of operations. Email campaigns can also be racial and diminutive in a sense. 3. Many scams and financial frauds are also taking place nowadays which are sent through mass mailing campaigns. It is a email marketing tip to be aware of the intentions of the sender and the sender must be verified before making any financial commitments. 4. Terrorism and racism are also spreading their wings by taking help of email newsletters. Some email campaigns are harmful for children and therefore, they should be selectively sent. 5. Third party access of email and hacking and/or phishing are also very common occurrences which take the help of direct mail campaigns.

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