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Useful job search tips

With the applicants outnumbering the amount of vacancies on the job market, job seekers need to be quick and efficient to make their job hunting run smoothly. Many times, job seekers begin slow and find themselves constantly in the job hunting phase. Below are some job hunting tips to help you look for a job.

Prepare you resume and cover letter

Always keep your resume updated. Have several copies of your resume and cover letter ready to be edited to match the job requirements. Prepare a professional email address and include your mobile phone number where recruiters can easily contact you.

Use job search engines

There are several job search engines available on the internet that could provide you with a list of job vacancies that fit your profile. By using job search engines for a few minutes, you will find a lot of job vacancies that you can apply to. You may also register on these sites to get updates on the latest job postings.

Look at career pages

List down the companies that you want to work for and visit their websites. Most of the companies now have a Career Page Section where they post positions that are open for application. Look at the jobs you want to apply for and contact them directly.

Attend job fairs

Job fairs are a good venue to finding new jobs and to meeting company representatives in a single day. This provides you with an overview of what jobs are available and to research about the companies who participated. Bring several copies of your resume to submit to the employers and prepare for quick interviews by reviewing your strengths and capabilities.

Use your network

Job seekers should be aware that not all job vacancies are advertised. Let your friends and acquaintances know that you are searching for a job. Ask them if they can provide you with information of job vacancies they know or of available positions in their company.

Keep your references ready

Have a list of at least three references that you intend to submit to recruiters. Include their name, job title, company name, phone number and email address. Ask permission if you can include them as your reference so they are prepared to vouch for you when recruiters call them.

Don't give up

Make follow ups on your recruiters and ask them for updates on the status of your application. Go to all the interviews that you have been invited for and don't discontinue your applications when you get discouraged. Your aim is to get as many job offers as possible where you can have the ability to choose the best offer. Don't stop until you have reached this stage.

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