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What is paranoid schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia is a severe mental illness which affects around 1% of the population and is equally common in both men and women. One of the most prevalent types of schizophrenia is paranoid schizophrenia, where sufferers are typically highly suspicious of other people around them and may have delusions of being persecuted.

About paranoid schizophrenia

A person who has been diagnosed as suffering from paranoid schizophrenia disorder will exhibit paranoia symptoms and symptoms of psychosis. The causes of schizophrenia are believed to relate to changes in the chemicals within the brain, such as very high levels of dopamine found in the schizophrenic brain. Signs of paranoid schizophrenia Signs of paranoia, such as as persecution delusions and being highly suspicious of others, are present in those suffering from paranoid schizophrenic disorders. Both hallucinations and delusions are common symptoms. When a person suffers from hallucinations, he or she may smell, see, hear or taste something which is not actually present. Delusion can be very frightening. For example, when you think that someone is out to poison you, harm you or attack you, however unreal it is, your brain will make it seem a reality.

Treatment for paranoid schizophrenia

As with other forms of mental illness, such as psychotic depression, those suffering from paranoid schizophrenia will require mental health care. In the acute phases, it is typically necessary for paranoid
schizophrenics to be hospitalised for their own safety, while outpatient treatment will likely be ongoing. Medication for paranoid schizophrenia Medication is an important aspect for treating severe mental health problems, allowing sufferers the best opportunity to lead a healthy life. The main treatment for paranoid schizophrenia are atypical anti-psychotics, which have fewer side-effects than first generation or typical anti-psychotics. Antidepressants, together with anti-anxiety medications, may also be useful. Psychotherapy is typically used in conjunction with medication, as medication non-compliance is a real problem in the treatment of long-term mental health problems. Coping strategies and skills, such as cognitive behavioural therapy, may also benefit the sufferer. Final word If you are concerned about the medication that you are taking rather than stopping the treatment, it is always better to make an appointment with a member of your care team, such as your psychiatrist, to review your treatment plan.

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