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What is sexual harassment?

More than a victim‘s physical well-being, sexual harassment also injures the emotion and self-esteem of the person being harassed. Similarly, sexual harassment can alter the balance in a particular environment where the harassment took place. Below are some of the things that you should know about sexual harassment.

The legal definition of sexual harassment

Sexual harassment is considered as a form of sexual discrimination occurring in a workplace. Although sexual harassment can happen to both sexes and not just in a working environment, common law is more focused on sexual harassment against women and its happening in the workplace. Common law outlines the several types and categories of sexual harassment including subtle sexual harassment, simple sex discrimination, sexism and quid pro quo harassment.

What compromises sexual harassment?

Sexual harassment can take a lot of forms and shapes. Needless to say, different people have different takes and definitions on what compromises the term sexual harassment. Sexual harassment at the workplace The most obvious form of sexual harassment happening at the workplace is the physical harassment, wherein the harasser uses his or her authority over the victim. Harassers in the workplace can be clients, managers, supervisors and co-workers. Sexual harassment outside the workplace On the other hand, harassers outside the workplace can be the victim's neighbour, friend and/or even his or her own relatives. Harassment, on most instances, doesn't involve physical contact. Harassment can be done verbally or through simple motions, making the victim unaware that he or she is being harassed.

How to deal with sexual harassment

Dealing with sexual harassment isn't that hard, but not entirely easy. Recovery can be long or short, depending on how you approach and combat the emotional damage created by the incident. Therapy and counselling sessions With therapy and counselling sessions to fellow victims of sexual harassment, concerned friends, relatives and loved ones, expert counselors can greatly help a person to recover from his or her sad experience. Advice As much as possible, you should also avoid instances or situations wherein you become vulnerable to harassment. It is important that you directly address to the harasser that you feel as if you're being harassed. The trick is to address the issue in a non-confrontational way. Don't show any signs of inferiority or signs that you feel as if you're being threatened. Conclusion In most cases, formal complaints of sexual harassment boil down to the victim's word against the harasser's word, so make sure to gather corroborating evidences to support your accusations.

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