Where to buy black floor tiles
Black floor tiles can be a wonderful look for your home. Black tiles are great because they hide dirt and make it easy to keep your space clean. Black tiles can lend a contemporary, modern and sleek vibe to your home. They can help the floor to blend in and draw the eye upward so that your other decor is in focus, or they can make a statement all on their own. Deciding where to buy black floor tiles and what kind to buy can be a bit of a challenge, though, so it is useful to consider some helpful tips to buy black floor tiles.
Tile stores
The best place to look for black floor tiles is a local tile shop. Many of the big box stores which sell multitudes of items, from tile to screws to nails and wood are not going to have the best selection of black floor tiles, since black is not necessarily the most common colour for floors. They are inexpensive Black floor tiles are often going to be made of ceramic or porcelain, which are easier materials to dye. So, your local flooring store should have a variety of relatively inexpensive options to choose from. You can also consider getting fancier or more expensive black flooring. There are certain imported marbles which are black, or in the black family. However, these tend to be more rare than white marbles. So, your tile store may charge a premium for a black tile floor over a white floor. Black granite tiles You can also get black granite tiles in colours like Absolute Black or Black Pearl, but again these my be on the more expensive side. Tile floors will be the best resource for either marble flooring, ceramic flooring or any other kind of black floor tile, simply because this is the focus of their business.
The Internet
Another good place to look for black tile flooring is the Internet. There are many online sources, such as Cooltiles.com, which sell tiles to online customers. These sources will usually have a wider selection and you can sort by colour, so you will have an easier time finding black tiles by looking at these sites than you might at a local store.