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Where to find Oracle database administrator jobs

Before becoming an Oracle database administrator, it is a prerequisite to be familiar with the duties and nature of the position. Oracle is the world's most advanced database and familiarising its programs requires years of studying and composite training. And if you have what it takes to carry out the tasks, then it’s about time to check for possible areas where you can apply for an Oracle career. This article explains where to find Oracle database administrator jobs.

Online job sites

This is the most accessible option. There are many websites that list job vacancies, provide tips on making your resumes and give you all the necessary information for you to get the job. is one example. In there, you can find the information about database jobs, Oracle careers and get a list of companies looking for Oracle database administrator. It saves you time and effort because you can submit resumes, get interviewed and get notified about job status application which are all done online. You can also check other websites like,, and many others.

Online recruitment centres

This is another option where you can go and visit agencies that help you to find a job. Like online recruitment, these centres can provide you with a list of Oracle database administrator jobs available. You can just leave your information with them and get contacted for updates. The best thing about recruitment centres is that you get an idea for a possible database administrator salary based on previous agreements with companies affiliated with them. For easier access, you can also visit their websites.

From advertisements

This is an option often employed by IT companies with job vacancies. Database administrator jobs are listed on newspapers, printed on banners and posters and even shown on TV. This takes a lot of effort on the applicant’s end because it is not guaranteed that you have met all the requirements of the company or if the job is even available. However, it’s a worthy risk to take because you get to sell your service directly to the hiring company and might even get a bigger pay.

Direct from IT companies

This is perhaps the most tiresome option, but still, is an option. You can go and visit IT company offices and check for Oracle DBA job openings posted on their bulletins. And when you do, you just bring your requirements along with you. This may sound difficult and time-consuming, but you never know. You might just get lucky!

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