A guide to Coachella Valley
Coachella Valley is a large valley located in California. It is nearly 45 miles in length and is situated in the riverside county of southern California. It is bounded by San Jacinto and Santa Rosa mountains in the west, and little Bernardino mountains in the north and east. This article provides you with a guide to Coachella Valley.
Coachella music festival
The Coachella music festival is a three-day annual event that is held at the Empire Polo Club in the Inland Empire’s Coachella valley. Many types of music and dance events including rock, indie and hip hop, among others, are held at this cultural event. Palm Springs is also known as mini-Hollywood and hosts the Palm Springs International Film Festival in January and the Palm Springs International Short Film Festival in August each year.
Coachella Valley: Tepmerature, flora and fauna
The Coachella Valley has a population of 600000 people and constitutes a part of the Inland Empire, the 14th largest metropolitan area of US. This is a recreational desert valley and one can enjoy the ambience of the famous desert resorts Palm Springs and Palm Desert here. Living Desert zoo One can make a ride to the desert in the Coachella Valley to get a glimpse of serenity and picturesque mountains. One can visit the Living Desert zoo and wildlife gardens in the famous desert resort Palm Desert. Temperature The desert environment is home to quite a few endangered species such as California Fan Palm and the Bighorn sheep. In Coachella Valley, the day time temperatures in summer range from 40 to 48 °C while the night time temperatures range from 25 to 30 °C. Tropical fruits As it is warm throughout the year, the Coachella Valley produces many tropical fruits such as mangoes, figs, and dates. In winter, the Coachella Valley becomes a popular winter resort as the temperatures range from 21 to 32 °C during daytime but drop to as low as 8 to 20 °C at night.
Coachella Valley: Occupation and transport
Wind farming Agriculture is the main occupation of the people living in Coachella Valley. As the desert of Coachella Valley is among the windiest places in the world, wind farming has also become a major occupation of the natives. Race The majority of people belong to the Hispanic race, with a sizeable number of people following the Jewish faith. Coachella Valley is connected by airways through the Palm Springs International Airport, Jacqueline Cochran regional airport, and Bermuda Dunes municipal airport. There are two main arterial highways connecting all the cities in the Coachella Valley, namely the Interstate 10 and State Route 111.