A guide to UK passport services
To be eligible for a British passport , you must fall into one of the following categories: British citizens, British overseas territories citizens, British nationals (overseas), British overseas citizens, British subjects or British protected persons. You can apply for a passport by using the Post Office service, or by applying for passports online. It is possible to get a same day passport by applying directly to the passport office of your region.
Obtaining a passport
Obtaining a passport If you fulfill the necessary requirements for a British passport (see the Direct.gov.uk website for full details), you need to fill in the passport application form, either online or through the post office service. The form comes with an explanatory booklet which will help you in filling in each section. It is important to write in black ballpoint pen, using capital letters only. New passports for a baby, child or first passports for adults All children and babies now require their own passport, which will be valid for five years. It must be filled in by a parent and then countersigned by a person who has known, either the child or the parent for at least two years and who lives in the UK. The countersignatory should be a professional person or someone of good standing in the community. However, it should not be a relative or someone who lives at the same address. The countersignatory must also sign the back of one of the passport photos. Photos There are strict rules, which are outlined on the government website, as to how the photograph should be taken .The main points are that you should be looking directly at the camera, with a neutral expression (no smiling), and should be taken against a cream or light-grey background. There are many photographers who provide specialised photo services to ensure that the pictures are correct because if guidelines are not followed, your application might be rejected.
Lost passports, visas and renewing for British residents abroad
Lost passport You must report the loss or theft of your passport as soon as possible to the Passport Office and to the police if your passport is stolen in the UK. If you are on holiday when your passport is stolen, report the loss to the local police and contact the British embassy or consulate. Renewing passports for British residents abroad British residents living abroad must renew their passports through the British embassy in the country in which they live. Last word It is very important to get your application form filled in correctly. Read the Government passport information website so as to get all the information you need to know about applying for a passport, renewing passports and getting visas.