A guide to business name search in the UK
When you need to find a business or fund a company check, there are a number of places you can go that list businesses and provide you with business searches or help you to learn everything from what is incorporation to learning how to get a domain for your business. Where do you look for these services? This article provides you with a guide to business name search in the UK.
Companies House
One of the best places to go to look for newly created businesses would be Companies House or Co. House. Why Companies House? By law ever since the early 19th century, when forming a company you have to register to Companies House with your domain name and sign up your business to the name register of businesses in the UK. Companies House have an address in London and are also available online for URL registration on the internet. Therefore, when looking for advice about your domain and naming companies, Companies House is definitely the first place you should look.
Phone book
Yellow Pages Another good place to look for a list of businesses in the UK or, at least in your local area, would be your phone book. Books like the Yellow Pages will have numbers of a lot of businesses who will have signed up so that you can contact them and provide them with business details. This system is handy when you want to learn about individual companies in detail, as you can ring them up and simply ask them about what they do and why they do it. Also, addresses are normally available in the phone book so you will know where a business operates from and therefore, you will be able to find them easily.
Use available websites
The final place to search for businesses in the UK would be to look online. As well as Companies House online, there are a number of websites available on the internet for searching for UK and international businesses - it is just a question of searching for them.
Advantages of websites
To do this, just simply type in “UK businesses” or “list of UK businesses” into any search engine and see what comes up for you to investigate. The advantages of doing this are that you will probably be able to access the business’ web page online and therefore find a lot of information about it. You can also go through businesses almost as quick as using Companies House and a lot faster than using the phone book.