A guide to buying adjustable weights
When looking to purchase a set of adjustable weights, consumers must have a few criteria in mind in order to pick out the best of the available weight sets for their needs. The main three factors that affect buying adjustable weights are the price, the size, and the versatility of the weights, which will differ for each consumer based on their needs. This article details out these factors which you should consider before buying adjustable weights.
Depending on the type of exercise that has been done in the past (the use of weights, benches, or bar sets), looking for large, expensive adjustable weights that can be adjusted to higher capacities could be an option. Examples of expensive adjustable weights that are designed for those that have a history with weight lifting include BowFlex, SelecTech or Powerblock weights. However, when looking for adjustable weights that do not cost as much money, and as such are aimed towards beginners, Xmark and Jillian Micheals weights can suffice in terms of such weights. Keep the cost in mind when shopping for adjustable weights, as different sets of weights can cost more than $150.
Adjustable weights are designed to save as much space as possible, because a whole set of weights isn't needed to perform a workout; instead, the weights can be adjusted to the weight that is needed. Consider how much space could be saved with a specific set of adjustable weights, which is determined with how many different weights that they can be adjusted to. If very little space is available, getting adjustable weights that have a lot of different settings would be a good option, as they can take the place of a larger, bulkier set of traditional weights.
Adjustable weights can be used in many different ways, more so than traditional weights, because the weight can be adjusted to fit the program or training that is being done. For example, adjustable weights can be used as ankle weights by changing to a lower setting, or used at a higher setting for arm exercises. Since they can be adjusted, they can fit into any program, and can help to build and tone muscle, as the weights can be changed easily and rapidly according to specific functions.