A guide to choosing play equipment for kids
Choosing play equipment for kids can be hard, because it has to be safe and fun to use. When considering what type of play equipment to buy, safety, materials, and size must all be considered.
When looking to buy outdoor toys for children, it is important to get their input on what they want and what they don't want. With this information, it is easier to sort through what they want to find the safest climbing frames and play equipment. Looking for non toxic or lead-free paint is a must, and the safest play structures can be secured into the ground. Also, consider the type of ground covering that works best with the play equipment; often, grass is not the best choice. Different coverings, such as word chips or mulch, can help to cushion a fall if a child falls from the equipment. Moreover, make sure that the area that the equipment is being set up on is flat and level, so that the equipment doesn't lean and is secure in its footing.
The materials of play equipment are very important as regards to children, because hard edges or materials can cause a lot of pain and be a potential risk for injury. Materials can also affect the pricing of play equipment, as well as the overall size. For example, plastic playhouses are usually quite small and can be assembled at home, but are ideal for small children and are not much fun for larger children. Wooden play structures are often much larger and will last much longer than plastic counterparts, but they can be quite expensive. In addition, make sure that the nuts and bolts that hold the recreational equipment together are hidden or placed in small recesses so that they do not pose a hazard to children playing on the equipment.
Size is usually a matter of budget and available space. Play equipment can come in all manner of sizes, from only a few square feet large to massive structures with multiples slides, swings, and other features. Be sure to plan out what will work best in the available space, and have accurate measurements available when shopping for play equipment to make sure that everything fits the way it should. Finally, make sure that the equipment is laid out properly and with enough space to prevent injuries. As a rule of thumb, moving parts such as swings should be separate from non moving parts of the play equipment.