A guide to essential camping tools
Camping is a great activity for the young and old. You can choose from staying at campsites with all facilities to going wild and staying in the great outdoors. This article looks at the essential gear you need to take with you on your camping trip.
The essentials
The tent for camping is your first priority. Decide how big you want it: Is it for two people, four people or more? Consider how quickly you will want to put it up and choose accordingly. Some tents can be quite complicated whilst others just pop up. Sleeping and eating Think about how you are going to travel to your destination with your camping gear. If are walking or cycling, you are going to want to pack smaller gear than if you were throwing it all in the back of the car. You will need bedding – a simple sleeping bag will do. Cooking tools are essential. Take either a camping stove and gas or matches and a camping axe for making your own fires as well as small pans and dining equipment. Light A torch is one of the most important tools you will need. Wind-up torches that do not need batteries are great and some include radios as well. A torch to wear on your head can leave your hands free. Wind-up lanterns are a good idea to be used in the tent at night or if you have to put up your tent in the dark.
Multitools and navigation
Multi tools are essential camping tools. These come with a lot of variety of attachments. The Victorinox Swiss Army pocket tool is probably the best well known and is weatherproof and long lasting. Your pocket tool will at least need to have a knife, scissors, bottle and can openers on it. Have a look at the different types and choose something that will be invaluable to you. Sat navs and chargers If you are a serious walker, then you might need a compass or for those into more modern technology, a pocket sat nav. Garmin and Satmap make tough, durable GPS devices that suit the great outdoors. A solar charger will be essential if you have electronic GPS equipment. Make sure that your charger has ample connections so that it can charge a variety of equipments.