A guide to fishing poles
A fishing pole can be a simple length of bamboo or a graphite technological marvel. The choice of angling equipment depends on the prowess of the user and the kind of fish to be caught. It also depends on the choice of the fishing spot, which can be a shallow river or a harbour pier.
A pole for all seasons
Fishing shops sell all types of fishing rods and reels. This is confusing for a novice who is trying to select the right fishing pole. The fish pole which is required, is singled out by the type of fish to be caught. The basic purpose of all the poles for sale in a mega store, is to cast a line with a baited hook at the end of it. Technique and patience lead to a good catch.
Salt water and freshwater fishing
Fishing poles can be divided into salt water and freshwater angling. Most fishing is done in shallow water while standing in a gentle stream or on the shore near the water. For a beginner, a spinning rod is the easiest to handle because it prevents backlash. It also has a manageable pole length of five to eight feet. This rod will also be good for pier and bottom fishing.
Spinning rod
The reel and guides in a spinning rod are at the bottom of the rod. A fibre glass spinning pole is good for fishing Bass, Coalfish and Pollack. In the last few years, carp fishing has become popular. This spinning rod is appropriate for the angling of carp.
Accompany an expert angler
With practice, a beginner can graduate to casting rods. The ideal rod is the
12-foot fibreglass pole. Longer casting rods should be avoided. The same can be said of a fly rod. This is used in fly fishing, which is an entirely different kind of fishing. It requires years of practice and learning.
The best way to learn about baits, lures and fishing reels is to accompany expert anglers on fishing trips. The old-timers will impart more knowledge in one day than that which can be learned in an entire lifetime of fishing. They will also teach you how to dig out worms with a miser.
The selection of a salt water rod depends on the speed and power of the rod. These rods are expensive and require technical expertise to use. They should be considered only after a certain acumen in fishing has been acquired.
All fishing stores have fishing deals. Do not make the mistake of buying the wrong fishing sets just because they are available at bargain prices. Try out rods and rod reels individually till you get the one which is the most appropriate for you.