A guide to fortune telling with playing cards
Divination is possible to do using normal playing cards. Although there are less cards than a tarot pack, the cards can still be used to give a reading. Find out more with our guide to fortune telling using playing cards.
The deck of cards
The tarot is based on the original pack of playing card with 52 cards although with added extras. Tarot packs have 78 cards, 22 are the major arcana and 56 are the minor arcana. It is these 56 that represents playing cards but with 4 cards extra. Court cards are those of king, queen and jack. In tarot, the jack is more commonly known as the knight and there is an extra court card, the page. Using a normal deck To fortune tell with the normal deck of cards, readings of the page and major arcana will have to be left out. However, the tarot suits are still represented. Wands are diamonds, cups are hearts, swords are clubs and pentacles are spades. You can use the suits for tarot divination.
From Diamonds to Spades
Diamonds A reading will have to be weighted on the basis of what suits are most represented. If there is a lot of diamonds in the reading, it is a time of ambition and goal seeking. Thoughts and ideas are being generated at this time and they may signify a change of direction in one's life. Hearts Hearts signify relationships and matters of the heart. It is a time for introspection and perhaps spiritual awareness, as one looks inside to deal with emotions and feelings. Clubs Clubs, as swords, show some kind of conflict or struggle. This does not have to mean physically but could be emotional or mental. Disagreements and debates could happen at this time, but they are a way of working through disharmony and moving to a more positive state of mind through challenge and change. Spades Spades represent prosperity and material well-being. Goals could be reached and achievements gained during this time. Just rewards are coming but one must keep in tune with other areas of their life, not just financial and material. The spread Tarot spreads can be used for the reading. Simple three card readings of past, present and future can be read or the more in depth, Celtic cross spread using 10 cards is possible.