A guide to getting the best fishing tackle retail prices
Every fisherman accumulates fishing equipment at a much faster rate than he expects. It is essential to get reasonable prices in order to keep spending in line. Tackle stores normally have higher prices than bigger discount stores and the best prices of all are usually online. Sometimes, it pays to shop when the fish are not biting and the store may not be ready to offer a discount. This article is a guide to getting the best fishing tackle retail prices.
Small fishing shops
The smaller fishing tackle shops and fly shops are normally the most expensive places to buy fishing reels and rods from. However, they have knowledgeable people who may be able to handle a special request and who can often repair damaged or broken rods and reels. Local fishing shop Your local fishing shop is a place where you can get help. They may be able to alert you when there is an item that is overstocked or which is not selling, and which the dealer wants to offer at a discount. They may also be the only place to get specialised equipment such as carp tackle and other items for carp fishing.
Big stores and online companies
Big box stores Stores like Walmart and Sports Authority carry fishing tackle at discounted prices. Their selection may not be the best but if you know what you want and keep your eye out, you might find a bargain. However, it is difficult to get information on where the fish are biting as the people at these places are not normally fishing experts. Online sources A large number of discount fishing tackle companies operate on the internet. You can also go directly to a manufacturer's website and order directly from him. Discount online dealers These companies with little overhead often have the best prices. They also have huge selections because they can get items from the manufacturers on short notice. They also know when dealers are overstocked and may get a real bargain and pass some of it onto you. One advantage of shopping at a discount tackle dealer's site is that you can buy everything you need in the same order. If you get a large enough order, the dealer may even pay shipping. Buying directly from the company If you know exactly what you want to buy, you can log on to the company's website and order it directly from him. Some items may be offered at good discounts.