A guide to in-car iPod adapters
When you have to go on a long car journey, it's always a great idea to have a large supply of music to carry you along your way. The easiest way to carry a lot of your music is to put it on your iPod. Read on for a guide to in-car iPod adapters.
Cassette Adapters
Cassette audio adapters fit into your car audio system and allow you to play your chosen music from your in car sound system as if it were on the cassette tape itself. You simply plug the audio jack which comes out of one of the ends of the cassette into your iPod headphone socket and then can control the iPod in car just as you would normally control it. These adapters are these easiest option for in car music, but will not produce the same quality that your iPod would if it was in a dock or if you were listening through your headphones.
FM radio signal adapter
FM radio signal adapters require you to plug a special radio transmitter into your iPod. They they allow music to come through your car Audi system by tuning into it's specific frequency. You, then, technically have your own radio station which you can listen to whenever you would like to. Just like the car cassette adapter, you just use your iPod as usual. These adapters produce a better sound than the cassette adapters, but they may dip in and out of frequency, meaning that you will have to do a search for frequency when you receive static through your speakers.
Where to buy
You can but these adapters online from most electronics stockists. Great deals are available online from Play.com, Amazon, Currys, PCWorld and Tesco. It is a good idea to buy a car cradle to mount your iPod in too. You don't want to be looking around for your iPod to skip to the next track when you could simply have it in an area that allows you to also keep your eyes on the road. Safety first!
Other options
You can also listen to music in your car, direct from your phone. There are a number of ways to use Bluetooth for car stereo speakers. You can play the songs on your phone and have MP3s for your car. The music will be transmitted through your speakers. If you have a Spotify enabled touch screen mobile phone, you technically have a never ending supply of music available to you. You can also install DVDs player systems, much like the screens that you get in the headrest when you take flights to go on holiday. These in-car gadgets can keep your passengers entertained while you drive them to their destination.