A guide to light box photography
The use of a photography light box has become very popular in recent years, mainly due to people having the ability to use auction sites to sell their items. The light boxes showcase items, bringing out details, otherwise not noticed, especially small items, such as jewelery and coins. This guide will help you in using a light box for photography.
Why use a light box?
Light boxes give you the ability to disperse your light source on and over your subject. This eliminates any distracting shadows, that could detract from the object being photographed. Light box photography has many uses. You can use a light box to feature products that you sell, this is especially helpful if you have an online store. Online auctions are big these days, and the only ability your potential bidders have to see your item is through the use of photography. Light boxes can be used to bring out details that would be missed otherwise. Macro photography is a popular genre for photographers and the light box is a perfect way to obtain a consistent lighting source.
What is a light box?
The photo light box you choose will be something that will depend on your needs. However, the boxes will be small enough for you to be able to place on a table for easy access. The box itself can be made of any lightweight material. Many photographers make their own diy light box out of a card board box. The front of the cardboard box is left open as the viewing area. The sides and top of the box are cut away, leaving just a frame. These open panels are then fitted with a white material. A piece of white poster board is attached to the back of the inside of the box and allows to "drape" down in a gentle slope. This provides a background, which is not defined by right angles. The object you intend to photograph is placed on this sloping back drop. Your photographic lights are placed on both sides of the box. The light shines through the white material and lights the inside of the box. The white material disperses the light throughout the box.
Where to get a light box
As mentioned above, many handy photographers can make their own inexpensive light box, and in many cases, materials that are found around the house. A light box does not have to be an elaborate set-up. The actually light box itself will never be seen in the photographs you take. If you choose to purchase one, there are many camera supply stores that offer them for sale. The light box is a tool that comes in handy for nearly all photographers.