A guide to motorcycle financing
You have decided to buy yourself a motorbike. You might be inspired by a friend or have been attracted to a bike you have seen on the dealership or a magazine. If you are like most people, then your next step would be to look for financing.
The first steps
Looking for the right bike finance package is not as straightforward as it looks and you need to cover some ground and do some work. Being informed and educated about motorcycle financing is crucial to making the right decision about what bike loan to get. Firstly, sort your finances and find out how much bike loans you can afford to take out. Head to a bank preferably to one you have been dealing with for loan assistance. Banks would be able to tell you how much you need for a down payment and how much you can finance based on your income and debt ratio. They can also tell you the range of payment time frames that can be made available to you. Once you know where financially you are at, you can now begin to look for a bike. By now, you can narrow your choices to within a realistic range since you already have an idea of how much you can afford to buy.
Considering other options and extra fees
Most of the time, your bank would be able to provide you with the best motorcycle interest loan rate. However, if you want to look at other options, talk to the dealer about other financing products that are available. Be wary though of dealing with dealers as they can be pretty slick when trying to sell loans and you might end up with a bad deal. Find out about loan terms. Make sure that you are in agreement with all the provisions in a particular finance product. Ask if you can pay off a loan. If they answer in the negative, compute how much you will be paying in interest. If you end up with a figure that you are not comfortable with it, it is best to back out. Additional charges Also, ask about extra charges. Get to know if your creditor is putting additional fees to your loan. If there are charges in your loan that you do not understand or are not in complete agreement with, it best that you walk away and look for a better deal. Check your credit report Check your credit report for issues or markdowns. A bad credit can negatively affect the level of interest rate in your loan. If the problems are minor and can be fixed easily, act promptly so that you can clear up your credit quickly.