A guide to overseas adoption
Across the world, international adoptions have increased in recent years. In the UK, the number of international adoptions are low as compared to other EU nations such as France, Italy and Spain. As international adoption awareness becomes more prominent in the UK, more families will choose to adopt. These families will benefit from the guide to overseas adoption found in this article.
The Hague Convention on adoption
The Hague Convention has been put in place to ensure that children are not sold or trafficked for adoption and that the interest of the child is put first. Countries can choose whether they will agree to the convention. Once they do, they are held to monitor and uphold it. The convention applies to both international and domestic adoptions.
Adoption agencies
Adoption agencies that specialise in international adoptions are the traditional route for those interested in this kind of adoption. When choosing an adoption agency, one must be careful that it is established with a good reputation. Look for reviews of the agency as well as any success stories. Go on adoption forums and see what parents who have gone through overseas adoptions say about the agency. Do not give any money to an organisation that you are unsure of.
Ages of children for adoption
Children who are ready for adoption can range between the ages of six months to 16 years old. The ages of children for adoption will vary depending on a number of factors. Adoptive parents should be prepared to not receive a newborn for adoption. Children with special needs, such as cleft palates, are often able to be adopted at a younger age than other children. In addition to this, each adoptive country has its own rules as to how long of a wait period will occur between a referral and when a child can come home to his parents.
Time length for adoptions
The adoption period depends, in a large part, on the birth country of the child. Generally, the entire adoption takes between one to three years. Chinese adoption can take up to five years or more. Adopting within certain categories of children can help to speed up the adoption process. These categories include: children over the age of three and children with special needs and sibling groups. Potential parents should talk to their social worker to see if they are suited to care for kids in one of the above mentioned categories. References: -International Adoption Guide - Internationaladoptionguide.co.uk -Save the Children UK: International adoption - Savethechildren.org.uk -Citizenship and Immigration Canada - Cic.gc.ca -Department of Education: Inter-country Adoption FAQ - Education.gov.uk -Hague Adoption Convention Countries - Adoption.state.gov