A guide to post-baccalaureate programs
Post-baccalaureate degrees offer university graduates the opportunity to further specialise their area of expertise, develop a specific professional skill and gain accreditation to work in many fields. Doctors, lawyers, and business professionals all attend post-baccalaureate programs to work in their chosen profession. This article outlines the various types of post-graduate study options available for students.
Master's degrees
Types of Masters degrees By following a baccalaureate program, some students can earn Master's degrees in their chosen field. Credentials earned at the master's level include the Master of Social Work (MSW), Master of Science (MSc), Master of Arts (MA) and Master of Business Administration (MBA) to name a few. Those who earn a Master's degree typically receive higher salaries than people holding just an undergraduate degree. Most Master's degrees can be completed in one to three years. Specialisation Master's study can be course-based or research-based, but each program will be designed to specialise a student in a particular area of a particular profession, while preparing them for a post-Master's work. For example, MSW programs will differ from university to university depending on the specialities of faculty and the type of research they conduct, but all MSW programs will prepare students for entrance into doctoral programs.
Doctorate degrees
What are the admissions requirements for a doctorate degree? Most doctorate degrees require students to possess a related Master's degree. The specific requirements will depend on each program and the guidelines as outlined by the university. Typically, students applying for doctorate programs will have excellent academic references and an impeccable published thesis, which is related to the chosen area of study. Some programs may require related post-masters professional experience as well. Types of doctorate degrees Some examples of doctorate degrees include the Juris Doctor (JD, the credential required by lawyers), Medical Doctor (MD), Doctor of Philosophy (PhD or DPhil) and Doctor of Social Work (DSW). Doctorate programs are incredibly competitive at most established and accredited universities, but a wide variety of specialisation programs are available for gifted Master's students to pursue in the UK. What's involved in a doctorate degree? Students in doctoral programs most often, engage in original research and spend years in preparing a thesis and writing a dissertation under the close supervision of university faculty. The doctorate level is the highest level of graduate study available in any field, so graduates of these programs are considered experts. Doctorate degree can take anywhere from two to ten years to complete.