A guide to windows shortcut keys
If you are new to the windows operating system, you should the use of short keys such as copy keys, because these shortcut keys will make your work easier. This article introduces you to some of the most used windows shortcut keys.
Basic shortcut keys
There are a few functions which everybody uses, often on their computers and Windows have provided shortcuts for all those functions. These functions are copy, cut, paste, save and select. Copy To copy a part of a document, simply drag your mouse over the desired part of the text and press Ctrl+C. This copies the selected text. When you want to copy an image, you can simply click on the image and press Ctrl+C. Paste To paste copied text on image somewhere else, simply click in the desired place and press Ctrl+Visit and the image or the text get pasted. Cut To cut text from a location and paste it elsewhere, you should select the desired text by dragging your mouse over it and then press Ctrl+X. Now, the text is cut from its location and is ready to be pasted elsewhere in the same document. Remember, all the above shortcuts can also be used to copy, cut and paste entire files or folders.
Some more shortcut keys
Saving a file When you are working on a document, you may want to save the changes in that document once you have finished working on it or when you want to save the file for further work. Instead of going to file > save, you can simply press Ctrl+S and the document gets saved. Selecting text in a document To select all the text in a document, pressing Ctrl+A will do the trick. When you are surfing the internet, some of the pages you visit often will be reloaded from the computer memory and you may not always get the latest pages. To avoid this and to make sure you always get the latest page, you can press the F5 key once you are on the desired page. Open a new window Similarly, pressing Ctrl+N will open a new window of the application of the browser on which you are working. Furthermore, in most programs, pressing Ctrl+F opens a text box where you can find the location of certain text.