A guide to windscreen chip repair
You just discovered a tiny chip on the windscreen of your motorcar. Do not ignore it. It can seriously compromise your safety. Read this article to get the facts about the chip on your car windscreen, save money on high repair costs and yourself from trouble down the road.
Why you should repair your windscreen chip?
There are several reasons why you should repair the chip on your auto glass as soon as possible: * It helps you to pass the annual MOT - Ministry of Transportation - test. * Prevents the chip from developing into a growing crack. * Saves you from having to replace the whole windscreen. * It might cost you nothing to fix - depending on your particular car policy, some motor insurance company will pay for the repair. * Most importantly, it makes your ride safer and prevents potentially serious driver and passenger injuries in case of an accident.
Can a chip actually be repaired?
When done professionally, a windshield repair technician can restore the glass up to an 80 percent of its previous see-through clarity on the affected spot, without damage to the windscreen’s safety seal. Once the resin has cured, it will strongly adhere to the glass structure, sealing the damaged area and preventing the crack from growing. Some companies even guarantee their job if you do not pass your MOT test due to a windscreen chip repair.
Chip repair process
The process to repair a chip on your windshield is rather simple. A chip repair technician injects a liquid resin in the damaged area. This special plastic substance is then treated with UV - ultraviolet - rays to make it hold to the surrounding glass. Once the technician sands down and polishes the repaired surface, the chip disappears, preventing the tiny break from gowning. A skilful technician in your local glass repair shop may repair your windscreen in a matter of minutes.
DIY chip repair
If you feel confident, you can repair the chip on your windscreen yourself using a windscreen chip repair DIY kit. These kits include the resin, syringe and all the necessary chemicals and tools you will need for the job. Many auto parts stores or online auto parts suppliers carry them. The best part is that they are easy to use if you follow the instructions on the kit’s package. Moreover, they are relatively inexpensive.