A list of green businesses
The green companies listed in this article are 20 of the best businesses in the UK that are making efforts to act in an environmentally friendly fashion. By recognising that the world in which they do business is the same world in which they live, they are taking measures to ensure that their impact doesn't produce lasting damage to the environment.
The UK's green businesses
The top 20 green businesses in the UK The following green businesses list is the business award winners as listed in The Sunday Times newspaper. 1. UKOS - Office Supplies. 2. Skanska UK - Construction. 3. Infinis - Power Generation. 4. The Co-Operative - Retailing and Financial Services. 5 - API Laminates - Manufacturing. 6. Willmott Dixon Group - Construction. 7. Marriott Hotels International - Hotels and catering. 8. Carillion - Construction. 9. H + H UK - Building materials. 10. Canon UK - Electronic and electrical. 11. Penguin Group - Printing and newspaper publishing. 12. Wiles Greenworld - Office supplies. 13. Miliken Contract - Manufacturing. 14. Gentoo Group - Property development. 15. Logica UK - Information technology. 16. Hammerson - Property development. 17. Forster - Media. 18. Octink - Manufacturing. 19. Thecentre:mk - Retailing. 20. Muntons - Food and drink.
Businesses going green
The green business database from The Sunday Times details the top business movers and shakers from small business directories to large corporations that have thousands of staff members. The Best Green Corporate Awards Each year, the Best Green Corporate Awards showcases the top franchise in the UK that has gone far and beyond that of others to deliver the best franchise that is doing its bit for a better environment. With a new business list out each year, the business that holds the number one spot right now could be knocked off by off the shelf companies that are not just the most profitable franchises in the UK, but are also environmentally-connected as well. Engage employees In order for a company to be a successful green business, whether that's a small business in the UK or not, they have to engage their employees by taking up the green initiatives that the company lives by. Advertising your green business is perfect, particularly for small businesses. This is important as we are in an age where the impact of the environment is important if we wish to continue. Final word The annual awards are a great way of highlighting what each company is doing in order to achieve their environmental goals while also being the perfect way of encouraging companies to continue with their green objectives by awarding them the awards that they deserve.