Accredited online degrees: The facts
It is now possible to earn your degree online. Online degrees are perfect for those who missed out on the opportunity of studying during their younger years. Even if you are of school-leaving age, you may have other commitments putting strains on your dream of earning an accredited degree.
How does an online degree work?
Many universities now offer online degrees to students. There is absolutely no difference in the quality of the degree. In fact, if you plan to use your degree for a career in the IT field, an online study may make you out to be a stronger candidate. You are required to tell any future employers that the degree was earned online.
Online degree program
Your online degree education basically follows the same program as you would be following in an actual university. Indeed, you will be able to attend lectures and return assignments. Moreover, you will be able to communicate with your lecturer through e-mail and chat rooms.
An online degree does require a lot of self discipline as there will be no one to tell you when it's time to go to class or when to hand in your work. You must set up your own schedule to avoid falling behind on your studies.
Group work
You will work with other people who are also studying for the online degree through 'virtual work-groups'. This gives you the same feeling of having classmates and being a member of a class.
How does it work?
You will have projects, assignments and information sent to you through the post. Some universities will ask you to physically attend a 'training day' at the university campus, where they will teach you to use certain technical equipment. This will also allow you to meet your tutor and some classmates beforehand.
What to look out for
Course requirements
The requirements for online degrees are different and usually depend on the university that you have chosen. Some universities are, in fact, not licensed to reward online degrees, and several people have fallen victim to online fraud when they decide to apply for an online degree.
Background checks
You must check the type of accreditation provided by the university. For example, if it simply states its accreditation on the website, you should definitely exert caution.
To check that the university is truly accredited, always check with the appropriate State Department of Higher Education. People who have gained 'degrees' from uncredited universities have wasted a lot of time and money and have great difficulties in finding a job.
Final word
Your safest bet is to pick with a reputable university.