All about: William Jewell College
Established in 1849, by a charter of the Missouri legislature, the founding of William Jewell College (WJC) was the result of the efforts of the Baptist layman, Dr. William Jewell. This article will provide an overview on William Jewell College.
Located in Liberty, Missouri, the school was the first four-year institution of higher learning established west of the Mississippi River in the United States.
Today, WJC is a co-educational, private, Christian college that enrols over 1,000 students.
High academic standards
WJC gives students an environment that fosters high academic achievement. This is seen in the high number of Rhodes, Truman and Rhodes scholars in the student body.
Oxford Honours Programme
William Jewell is a participant in the Oxford Honours Programme.
This programme requires that students maintain a 3.75 GPA and high ACT (American College Test) and SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test ) scores.
These students are awarded large scholarships to help defray the costs of their schooling. A large number of WJC seniors attend Oxford or Cambridge during their senior year, and take the British Comprehensive exams.
Programmes of study
Students have the option of studying one of 60 majors and pre-professional programmes. Those, who attend WJC, start with the same courses and start to specialize in their majors after the first year or two of study.
Learning beyond the classroom
Students are required to participate in a minimum of three learning experiences that take them beyond the realm of normal studies.
Students can fulfil this requirement by spending a semester abroad, participating in a highly specialised research project or taking on a major research project.
Spiritual life
WJC is an openly Christian school that realises that students are in different places on their spiritual journey. The school welcomes people of all faiths and gives students many opportunities to discover what faith means to them. Students are invited to attend the Wednesday chapels, along with the many other worship opportunities found on campus.
Student organisations
Over 70 student organisations give students ample opportunity to become actively involved in the WJC community. In addition to honour clubs and societies, William Jewell has four sororities and three fraternities on campus. Students interested in politics can join one of the political clubs, while students interested in ethnic issues can become a member of the ethnic clubs on campus. WJC also has a debate club and a chapter of Amnesty International on its campus. References William Jewell College- Information on William Jewell College-