All about: slip and fall accident claims
Everyone tries to be careful while they are waling, but sometimes accidents do happen. The second biggest accident in the United States are slip and fall accidents, and these kinds of accidents can happen anywhere. If a slip and fall accident happens on someone’s property, the fall victim could be eligible to receive compensation, especially if an injury was sustained.
Unsafe conditions
An estimated amount of 70% of all slip and fall accidents are due to unsafe conditions, such as a wet spot on the floor which is not properly marked, poor lighting, or un-maintained up-keep on someone’s property. Injuries obtained Many slip and fall accidents results in slip and fall injuries of some sort. The serious injuries can cause a person to be unable to perform normal daily functions in life. If a slip and fall victim sustains injuries, a person accident attorney should be contacted. A personal accident attorney will be able to help in proving who was at fault in the accident. This will help the victim to get awarded for damages caused by the accident. Most compensation received from slip and fall victories go to pay the injured person’s medical bills, because medical expenses can quickly add up.
Determining who is at fault
Property owner To determine if a property owner is at fault for a slip and fall accident, it must be proven that the owner was aware of a pre-existing dangerous condition, and did nothing to prevent the condition. Moreover, it must be proven that the dangerous condition has been around long enough for the property owner to have had time to correct the problem before the accident happened. If so, then it shows that the property owner was not diligent in fixing the problem. Slip and fall victim There are times when slip and fall victims could have prevented accidents from happening, only if they were not acting carelessly. If the slip and fall victim could have foreseen the dangerous condition from other prior conditions, then the blame may be with the injured person. It is important to know if the slip and fall victim could have avoided the obvious dangerous area.