Alternative uses for leather binders
The first patent for the loose leaf binder was filed in 1854 in Providence, Rhode Island by Henry T. Sission. The next development was the two ring binder. It was used in the Common Sense Binder which also had two rings. From then came the more efficient three ring binder which in turn became the standard binder that is known nowadays. Decorative leather binders can have alternative uses in this present day.
Personalised leather portfolio
The personalized leather portfolio can be a useful tool for any homeschooling family. At the end of the school year, your child will need to compile a year's work for the portfolio review. The leather binder can be a way for your child to organise all the work that he or she has done. The work can organised by subject and it can have a different style of leather binder to set each subject apart.
Personalised photo album
You may perhaps have been asked to organise photos for a wedding party. A leather binder can be a way for you to organise the photos in a meaningful presentation and in an attractive way. The photos can be arranged either in pages through a montage or with groups of photos per page. They can then be arranged in the photo album in an attractive manner. The leather binder can also be a way for you to gather pictures together for a party or a reunion. You can gather photos of all the family members who are expected to attend as well as family members of past generations who are not able to be there. In this way, a pictorial record of the family can be compiled.
Presentation binders
Leather binders can play the role of presentation binders. If you are in construction, a leather binder can hold photos of each job in its before, during and after stages. This is applicable if you specialise in the renovation of older buildings especially. The binder can also be used to collect photos of new construction in its various stages. If you do infrared reports, the binder can be used to show the various locations that you shot. It also includes the reports that you complied. The reports include your findings as well as the recommendations for addressing the issues that you found and how to fix them.