Benefits of a lobster ball machine
Sometimes it is difficult for tennis players whether beginners or professionals to get partners to play with. Indeed, it becomes nearly impossible for a tennis circuit player to find an opponent with an equally high stamina, passion and strength for the game. Practice makes perfect and the lobster ball machine is ideal for improving a player’s tennis game.
Robotic tennis opponents
Both the Lobster tennis machine and the Silent Partner ball machine are excellent companions for the dedicated tennis player. They are robots which simulate the playing abilities of a good tennis player. These tennis ball machines can be programmed to serve balls at speeds between 10 mph and 80 mph. The oscillation feature makes the lobster tennis ball machine to fling balls to all corners of the tennis court.
Repetitive tasks performer
The machine can be programmed to throw a tennis ball at random points of the court at fast speeds enabling a player to improve response time. On the other hand, one can programme it to throw repeatedly in the same spot in order to improve a forehand or a backhand return. The great thing about this kind of machine tennis is that it can be asked to perform repetitive tasks.
Portable and programmable
The Lobster ball machine is portable. It weighs between 42-44 lbs depending on the model and accessories attached. The extra large eight inch wheels allow it to be rolled easily on hard surfaces. It fits snugly into the car boot. The portable model has two batteries which allow the machine to operate up to eight hours. The Lobster tennis ball machine for sale is also available in a larger model which operates on electricity. The reasons for its popularity are obvious once we check out the various functions available on this tennis ball machine.
Formidable opponent
This machine is able to place tennis balls on 18 programmable spots on the tennis court. Mixing this with the random choice can give a tough time to even the best players of the world. It can throw balls with a top spin or a back spin. It can also throw balls at haphazard depths and spots. One can program this to give an arbitrary drill which would test and improve the skills of all burgeoning tennis stars. A remote control allows re-programming of the machine from a distance. The machines do not require any maintenance except some simple periodic cleaning of parts. The balls are fed to the machine by a hopper which can be reversed and used as a cover when the machine is idol. With all these features, it is not surprising that it is the toast of all tennis ball machine reviews.