Benefits of using a Nordic track ski machine
If you have made the decision that the time has come to shape up and lose a few pounds, then you may want to invest in a piece of home exercise equipment that can help you reach those goals. Before you buy the equipment, however, it is a good idea to do your homework first.
Home fitness equipment
New version
The Nordic track ski machine is a newer version of a popular piece of home equipment that was first introduced to the market around 20 years ago - the Nordic track skier.
Cross-country skiing motion
The new Nordic track ski machine simulates a cross-country skiing motion, thereby allowing you to work your arms and legs (or just your legs if you don't want the upper body workout). Just like cross-country skiing, it gives a total body workout which burns much calories in a short time.
Low impact
It's also low impact, unlike a treadmill. So, people who are concerned about joint problems or bad knees can get a great low-impact workout.
Benefits of the Nordic track skier
One of the benefits of this piece of exercise equipment is that you don't have to worry about building weights into your workout to work the upper part of your body. Since it doesn't use heavy weight (mainly your own body as resistance), you won't get bulky muscles but sleeker, toned arms and legs.
If there is a weakness about the machine, it is because it is relatively simple. There is not much in terms of workout programs or entertainment options. It does come with a 5-window Led display that shows time, distance, calories burned and pulse.
However, if you're looking for more entertainment, you may want to set up your skier in front of your television.
The Nordic track skier is a simple but effective workout alternative to a treadmill or elliptical. The fact that it's been selling well for over 20 years is a testament of how effective it really is.
A final word
The Nordic track ski is a fairly simple machine and doesn't come with some of the bells and whistles of Nordic track treadmills. If you're looking for an affordable, durable exercise machine, the Nordic Track ski machine is worth checking out.