British Horse Society: The facts
The British Horse Society promotes the interests of horses, riders, riding and high quality breeding. It campaigns for rights of way such as bridleways, against the mistreatment of horses and for increased motorist awareness of horses. Its functions include providing a range of certificates in equine care and riding, and the courses that lead up to them.
The aims of the society
Horses The British Horse Society, part of the British Equestrian Foundation, is a membership-based charity working to ensure that horse welfare is considered by public bodies and the public as a whole. The society is alert to instances of animal cruelty and works with the RSPCA to stamp it out. It also represents the interests of riders to organisations such as the government, local councils and planning bodies. Breeding It provides advice on the proper breeding of horses. Breeders or anyone contemplating to allow a horse to produce young can seek the society's advice about the process in order to ensure that horses of the highest genetic standards are bred and that genetic diseases are screened out. Safety An important part of its work is to campaign for safe movement of horses. Thus, if a bridleway is in danger of being closed, the society campaigns for its preservation. In cases where rights of way for riders exist, the society works to preserve them by contending in court if necessary. They do a lot of work for motorist awareness and they make sure that motorists know how to approach horses and how to pass them safely.
Education The society has a major educational function. It keeps lists of approved riding instructors to ensure that learners are properly taught by trained people. There is a Horse Owner's Certificate for people who want to keep horses. This certificate is available at levels one and two. Professional certificates Professional certificates include the Stable Manager's Certificate. There are graded certificates for people who are training to be instructors. The society keeps a list of approved horse riding schools. It has designed a range of NVQ's [National Vocational Qualifications] and SVQ's [Scottish Vocational Qualifications] for those wanting to work professionally with horses. There is an award in Equitation and a Coaching award for prospective horse trainers as well as an award in Equine Tourism for those working in the tourist industry. Welfare issues The society is closely affiliated with British riding clubs and works with them to ensure that the quality of instruction, horse welfare and rider safety are of the highest standard. It works in conjunction with the British Show Pony Society which works with children's ponies and the British Show Horse Association to make sure that welfare issues are paramount.