Cheats for Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories for PC
This article details a number of cheats for the game Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories (GTA) for PC. Note that these GTA cheat codes work on this version of the game and only for PC.
Getting and saving a Maverick helicopter
The first cheat for GTA Liberty City Stories is for the helicopter mission. According to the mission, you would go upstairs to the objective marker to trigger the next stage of the mission. Ignore this, and get on a motorbike (the PCJ600 is best) and physically drive it upstairs. This may take some maneuvering. Now, you don't have to worry about the objective marker because if you are on a vehicle, it will not trigger. You can now skirt around the roof, get off your bike at the helicopter, which you can then get in and fly off! As you avoided the objective marker, you have effectively glitched the game into letting you pass.
Cars drive on water
To enable your cars to drive across water, enter the following code at any point in the game: CIRCLE, X, DOWN, CIRCLE, X, UP, L1, L1.
Health cheat
In order to completely restore your health to 100%, enter the following code at any point in the game: L1, R1, X, L1, R1, SQUARE, L1, R1.
Earn $250,000
In order to earn an immediate $250,000, type in the following at any point during the game: L, R, Triangle, L, R, Circle, L, R. If you have entered the code correctly, a message will appear on the screen.
Disable wanted level
While playing the game, press L x2, Triangle, R x2, X, Square, Circle. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. If this code is enabled, you can never have a wanted level until to either die or fail a mission.
Spawn Rhino
While playing the game, press L x2, Left, L x2, Right, Triangle, Circle. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. This code is needed in order to complete the next cheat.
Vigilante mission bonus
Steal a police car and press Up to start the vigilante missions. Reach level 12 to get a maximum of 150 points of body armor. To easily complete the vigilante missions, enable the "Spawn Rhino" code that is listed above and then get in the tank and press Up to start the Vigilante missions. Crash into the cars and bikes that you are chasing and they will explode!