Creative ideas for making your own cards
Create your own greeting cards with some top tips. Creating cards by hand can add a personal touch to any occasion. They are fun and interesting to make and can save you money too.
Personalised cards
Collage Collage is an inexpensive way of personalising a card. You can make a personalised card by picking images from magazines that suit the person you will send the card to. Fans might like flowers, husbands and sons might like cars and motorbikes. You can also get packets from scrapbook supplies shops. Leave a space in the middle of your collage for a photo or message. Gluing the pictures Glue on your pictures to preserve them. Either cover with sticky back plastic, like the type used for covering books, or you can use a small amount of varnish to make custom cards that will last. Dried flowers Dried flowers also make a great card decoration especially if they are from your own garden or locality. They give the recipient a sense of where you live. The larger the flower, the longer they take to dry. Some people invest in a flower press but, you can press flowers between the leaves of any big, thick book. Make sure that they are completely clean and dry before using it on your creative card. Fix in the same way.
Creative tips
Use of glue
For truly great custom gift cards, you can use glue to make a superb frame. Use PVA glue to make a pattern around the edges of your card. Leave the glue to dry. Once dried, it can be painted in silver or gold to give a gilt effect. The glue will stand out and make your card look impressive.
Making photo cards
To make your own photo cards, cut out the middle to insert your photo or picture. Tissue paper is a great material to use. You can cut out shapes and use them in a layered effect on your card for a simple picture. You can cut out the middle of your card and use it as a stained glass window effect.
You can also use tissue paper as the base of a drawing. Arrange your coloured paper across the cards, in flower shapes, for instance, you can them draw in details with black ink or paint using a small brush.
If you enjoy painting, you can add an extra textured effect by sprinkling salt on your picture while the paint is still wet. Shake off the excess for a grainy patterned look. Remember to keep in mind the person you are making the card for and imagine how delighted they will be with a personalised crafted card.