Exercise equipment as seen on TV that really works
As seen on TV, fitness equipment vary from odd-looking gadgets to real-life gym equipment. Understanding the difference doesn’t mean that you have to be a fitness pro. However, you have to do some homework yourself or understand exactly what it is that you are looking for.
A few of the gadgets
Shake Weight This gadget will actually work the muscles in your arm by default. The vibration mowing of the Shake Weight isn’t what does it. It is simply the physical weight of the Shake Weight, and the idea that you hold it upright for extended periods of time. You can get the same effect by gripping a large can of soup, and shake it back and forth for an expanded period of time. The weight and motion will work your arm muscles, but certainly not increase their size, rather keep them tone. Ab Master This silly gadget is nothing more than a belt with battery operated low voltage tingles, that stimulate the abs. They also have the nerve to call it an Ab machine. This is nothing more than a elastic belt that will make you sweat on a hot day, just based on the material construction and the heat of the day.
What to buy
Total Gym This full body fitness machine is used by rehab centres across the globe. The reason is because it works. From abs to glutes to pecs and quads, you can work all the core muscles groups, and keep yourself fit and toned. If you are looking for mammoth muscles then this isn’t for you, but for those looking for a good work-out, this is your total gym. Perfect Pushup Simple and true to its name, the Perfect Pushup is an excellent fitness machine that will work the upper body as well as your cardio. Granted, it is an isolated work-out, but the compact nature of the Perfect Pushup makes it an ideal apparatus to take with you anywhere for a quick and proper work-out.
What to buy
Bowflex Home Gym Perhaps, it is the best as seen on TV fitness machine ever built. The Bowflex is set-up to do a complete workout, and a cardio and fat burning. The resistance bars are truly amazing, and provide a multi-level muscular workout with little stress on the joints. This wonderful machine is an investment in your health and longevity. All this, is in one work-out machine, that is easy to move and really doesn’t take up much room.
A few final words
There are some winners in the as seen on TV work-out equipment, you just have to know where to look. Hopefully, this article has provided insight to some of the exceptional products that are well-worth the price for fitness machines.