Five best places for travel direction
When you plan a trip, you might need more than choosing a destination and packing your luggage. If you travel by car, you will certainly need a reliable road map to guide your way. Find out which are the best places to get the travel information you need.
Maps of the world contains over 8 000 maps and information on over 70 000 pages.
You will find the world maps divided by continents and countries.
You will also discover information about the most important cities in each country, travel destinations, hotels, history and culture.
Information is available in several languages, including English, German or Spanish.
Google maps
A Google map offers valuable information for your journey.
The application of Google site is easy to use.
You can create customised maps, you can find any country or location in the world, you can see pictures from there, and you can see the shortest distance from a chosen point A to a chosen point B.
There are some things you can not see on Google Maps, including the White House, the U.S. Capitol or military bases.
Map Quest is extremely useful to all travellers.
Here, you can get driving directions, street maps, information about local traffic in the main cities of United States, and helpful tips about road conditions. Moreover, the web site offers practical details about restaurants, banks and local institutions.
Route planner
Via Michlein
It might seem easy to go on a trip with your car, but it is more complicated than you would expect.
If you are a driver, you may find that the map that you own is not updated, and the road you knew was there for many years is now diverted.
If you want to avoid such surprises, you should seek for information on the Internet.
Online maps are updated regularly, and you will have no problems. will help you plan your journey and calculate the distance between the places you want to go.
Moreover, you can calculate the time you need to reach you destination, and you can access city maps all over the world.
With this web site, you can get driving directions for the quickest or shortest route.
RAC Routes
RAC Route planner can provide directions for the fastest or shortest route to your holiday destination in United Kingdom or any other European country.
One fun option of this route planner is “Fuel Costs”.
You will find out how much you will spend on fuel for your trip and a calculator of you CO2 emissions.