Football: An elixir of hope and unity
What once was seen only by a few people in one part of the world, has now become an elixir of unity and hope in all countries. Regardless of the continent, football reigns as one of the major attractions, which stops the gun fire, if only for 90 minutes and generates the spirit of togetherness among the nations. The article below explains the ways in which football brings nations together.
The new football season has begun. For some European countries, it has already started and for others, it is about to begin. People from all over the world are flocking or will be flocking to the their respective stadiums to support their team. Suddenly, the quarrel with the neighbour over his fruit tree shedding on your side of the fence does not matter anymore.
Getting inside your car and finding your gas tank on empty , just because the last person who drove it brought the car back with no petrol, is equally unimportant. What matters the most is the football game and the fact of cheering together to see your team win.
Football brings forth unity, uniting people together regardless of the race, creed or colour - regardless of whether one is rich or poor. Football breeds the seeds of unity and hope, opening up doors of acceptance and tolerance among the nations.
Ignoring trouble-makers
There are, undoubtedly some rowdy fans who will always be there to disrupt the game; this is something that has not changed since the beginning of sports.
In addition, there may always be a small minority who will not accept society's standards of winning and losing. However, people should not allow the behaviour of the few trouble-makers to disturb the pleasure received when uniting together in a stadium or in the living room of an individual's home to watch a football match.
Final word
So, have a great football season and may the best team win!