How can using a Direct TV Channel guide help you
Any kind of TV channel guide can help you in a number of ways. However, if you have Direct TV, you can then choose to use a Direct TV channel guide. Whether you want to find out which show is being aired on TV or when is your favourite show scheduled, do consult a Direct TV channel TV guide. It will help you to find answers to these questions.
What is on TV?
Have you ever wanted to know what was on TV without having to go through each channel? A Direct TV channel guide allows you to do this. All you have to do is turn on your TV and press the "Guide” or "Menu" option on your remote control. Each remote may be different. You can use the up and down arrow keys on your remote to scroll down the channel list and know what show is being played on each channel at that particular hour.
Parental lock
If you have kids, then you may find that the Direct TV Channel Guide's parental lock will come in handy. This lock allows you to restrict the shows that your kids are allowed to view. How to use the parental lock To use the parental lock feature, just go to "Edit setting" and decide whether you want to restrict a show based on "Age limit" or "Ratings." Follow the steps which are necessary to implement these restrictions. Once these restrictions have successfully been put into place, your kids will no longer be able to view shows that apply to these restrictions.
When is my favourite show being broadcasted?
In addition to knowing what is playing on TV, you can find out what time your favourite show comes on air.
All you have to do is to press the "Menu" or "Guide" button which can be found on your remote control. Once the guide appears, use the right and left arrow keys to move from one time slot to the next.
Time of the shows
The Direct TV Channel guide will start off on the hour that you are currently in. If you want to see the time of the shows that have ended, then you can use the left arrow key. To see the time of the shows that have yet to be aired, you can use the right arrow key.