How long will a Thomas the Tank Engine bed last your child?
Buying a Thomas the Tank Engine bed is a great gift for parents who really want to indulge their child's love for the character. But, before purchasing the bed, parents must ask themselves, how long will the bed last their child?
Kids love Thomas the Tank Engine
The Thomas the Tank Engine franchise is extremely popular one amongst children of all ages. Aside from the toys and videos that are commonplaces with franchises like it, there is also a slew of other Thomas the Train products available, such as Thomas the Tank Engine bikes, the Thomas the Tank toy box, and even Thomas the Tank Engine clothing. When a parent who has a child is enamoured with the franchise, they may find themselves rushing out to purchase everything that they can in order to make their child happy. One idea for a parent to get for their children is a Thomas the Tank Engine bed, so that their child can go to bed and wake up with their favorite character. But, before a parent goes out and purchases the bed for their child first, they should ask themselves how long will the beds last for, in order to decide if it is worth the money.
The Thomas the Tank Engine bed
Currently, the Thomas the Tank Engine bed is offered through Little Tikes. The bed is made up of hard plastic to look like the character Thomas the Tank Engine, and it is sure to please any little fan of the show.
However, one thing that must be noted is that the bed is made with toddlers in mind, therefore a crib mattress is needed to fit the bed. Because full-size crib mattresses are only 27 1/4 inches, by 51 7/8 inches wide, in order for a child to comfortably sleep in the bed, they would have to be shorter than the length of the crib mattresses. It means that, by the time most children reach their fifth birthday, it is time for them to upgrade out of a toddler-sized mattress, and move to a larger twin size bed.
So, to determine how long a Thomas the Tank Engine bed will last, it ultimately depends on how old your children are when they get it. The parent that purchases the bed for their children when they are at the age of 2, when most children graduate from their crib, they can easily get two or three years of use out of the Little Tikes toddler bed. But, the parent that waits until their child is four to purchase the bed may be lucky, if they get a full year worth of use out of the bed.