How to avoid traffic fines
Speeding is never the best option if you are late for an appointment or for work. If you are already late, there is no point speeding. You are not going to get there on time. If you do not obey the speed limit, you will be caught by speed cameras or by an officer on duty. That is only the start of it all. When you get that speeding fine, you will start wondering of other ways where you could have spent the money you just lost. This article will tell you how to avoid traffic fines.
Things to consider
You will end up in the crosshairs when you are driving noticeably faster than the average speed. Make sure that when you are on the road,l that you drive more slowly than the surrounding traffic. This is definitely one way of avoiding speeding fines. Driving slowly will improve your chances of not being caught by the speed cam. A traffic cop will go for one car, so if you make sure that you are going with the flow of traffic, you will not be the one getting traffic fine. Remain hidden If you are the lead car, the chances of you running past the radar and being caught are huge. If you are behind the pack, there is a huge chance that the cop will roll up behind you and pull you over. The best place to be is in the middle of the pack.
Find another car to chase
If you want to maintain a certain speed, the best thing to do is to find another car that is travelling at the speed that you would like to reach. Once you spot this vehicle, follow discretely but make sure that you keep your distance. If there is a traffic cop down the road, the car that you are following will most likely fall into the trap. This will give you the time to slow down and join the rest of the traffic. Always be streetwise Do not change lanes frequently or burst in gaps the second that you find them. In addition to this kind of aggressive driving, another driver on the road will call a traffic officer and give you away. Roads are supposed to be safe and it is going to be your own fault and for you own good when you are pulled over. Make sure to signal when changing lanes and remember that you are not the only one on the road trying to get home to your families.