How to burn iso with nero?
Nero is a CD/DVD burning software program for Microsoft Windows. Using Nero you can manage data, video, photo, audio and TV content. You can burn and copy various formats, such as CD, Blu-ray, DVD, and audio support for various formats. You can burn an ISO using Nero in a few short steps.
Burn the CD
An ISO image (International Organisation for Standardisation) is a disc image of All an optical disc. The entire contents of a CD can be put into one ISO file. Program files can fit into one ISO image so it is useful to use this type of file if distributing large programs. Many people who want to dual-boot their computers with Linux create an ISO image of the operating system. An ISO image is useless and cannot be opened or used without burning the file to a CD/DVD or Blue-ray disc. Nero is one program that can be used to burn an ISO file to a disc. Open Nero by clicking "start", click "all Programs", and then click "nero". Alternatively, double-click the Nero icon on the desktop. Click "recorder" on the menu bar at the top of the window, and click "burn image to disk". Browse through the files on your computer and find the ISO file you want to burn. Once you find the file, select it and click "open". A "burn the compilation" dialog box then opens. Insert a blank CD or DVD into your CD/DVD drive on your computer. Select CD or DVD, whichever you are using, from the top left corner of the window. Select the image size and writing speed. Make sure to F"finalise CD/DVD" after burning set-up is checked. This is very important if you want to use the CD/DVD on another reader. Click "burn" and it will automatically start to burn the ISO file to the CD/DVD in your computer. When it is completed, a successful message appears upon the screen.
Remove the CD and close Nero
Remove the CD/DVD from your computer and close Nero by clicking the X in the upper-right corner of the window. Do not remove the CD/DVD or turn off your computer until the burn process is completed.