How to buy a car online?
Finding a new car to buy has never been easier now that the option of selling your car online has become available. However, there are some tips that you must follow when buying a car online in order to protect yourself and your investment. This article will provide you with some tips to consider when buying a car online.
Do your research
Whether you are looking to buy a car online or in person from a dealership, this tip is vital. Research owner reviews Not only can you research performance statistics or various optional extras, but you can try to find some owner reviews. No amount of sales pitch can match the information a true driver of a car can give you – and while a review is only one person’s opinion, many negative reviews may just highlight the problems with your chosen car. Similarly, if any faults with the car or breakdowns are regularly mentioned, this may be something to consider.
Choose a reputable site
Websites like or any other 'cash for my car' type of website is guaranteed to have buyer protection measures in place – but these sites often charge a fee for buying your car. Sites which contain buyer protection measures If you do plan to buy your car online without the aid of a site like this, be sure to choose a well known and reputable site like eBay or Gumtree, which also have buyer protection measures.
Meet the seller and view the car
If possible, meet the seller of the car you have chosen – and more importantly inspect the car for yourself. An individual selling a car over the internet may seem legitimate enough, but if you do not get a chance to see the car before purchasing it, it might be too late when you find out your new motor is a pile of junk.
Never pay online
Exchanging money online happens every day, but do NOT agree to pay any money for a car to a stranger UNTIL you have the car in your possession. Good to know Paying online is a great way for somebody to steal large amounts of your money, without ever providing a car.
Keep your Documents
In a UK court of law, an e-mail is a legal document – however, it will not harm you to have physical copies of all of your e-mails, screen shots of the advert etc in your possession, if only for your own personal records and peace of mind.
Be smart
Use your common sense - if a deal seems too good to be true, or a car just is not up to your standards, then walk away. You can always find something better.