How to buy a new car online
Buying a new car can be a bit of a minefield. Car sales people are always very keen to sell and this can be very confusing. You may find that you end up paying over the odds. However, buying a car online could save you money and relieves the pressure of the forecourt. This article will give you the low down on buying a new car online.
Auto trader
Auto trader ( is an online car website which allows you to buy both used and new cars online. You can also list your car for sale if you are looking for car buyers but as a purchaser, it's a great site as you can use the filters to find all the models that meet your requirements. This means that you're not influenced by sales people. You can contact sellers, whether they are car dealers or independent sellers and ask questions about the car and even ask to see it. Auto trader do cheap cars right the way through to brand new top of the range models at top prices. Therefore, you're sure to find what you need. Ebay Online auction website Ebay is a great way to buy cars and sell cars online. Do be weary though: Look carefully through the details to see if the car needs any work, or if the owners have a full history for the car. Cheap lots are usually cheap for a reason. Be pro-active and speak to sellers, ask questions and ask to have a test drive before you part with any money.
Comparison sites
If you are considering to pick up a cheap car, then using online comparison websites are also a great option. Websites such as Drive the Deal ( and One Swoop ( can help you to find the car you want at the lowest price. Research When looking for cars online, do your research with the approved dealers and direct sites of car providers to make sure that you know everything you need to about the cars you are interested in. This way, you are more likely to spot anything suspicious. Finance If you're buying online and you are looking for finance deals, checking the APR is important as you'll want to ensure that you're not paying excessive amounts of interest on top of what you had expected. If you are looking to finance a car, ensure that it is through a reputable company and that it is approved by the financial services regulator.