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How to choose mobile phones plans for teenagers

Choosing a mobile phone plan for your teenage son or daughter does not need to be difficult. With a few steps, you could find the perfect mobile plans available, whether you want a contract mobile plan or a pay-as-you-go plans.

Pay-as-you-go versus contracts

Benefits and drawbacks of pay-as-you-go mobiles
There are pros and cons to pay-as-you-go mobiles and this is something that you'll need to look into. While a prepaid mobile can be cheaper, you will need to consider what they will do when they run out of credit. This may not be a problem for many teenagers, but for those who are disabled, it could have devastating consequences.

What will they use the phone for?

Purposes of the phone Does your teenage child call more people or text everyday of the week? This is something that you'll need to question to find the best phone tariffs for them. If your child texts a lot, then you'll want to find a contract, which will offer unlimited texts. It can be seen that this is the most common reason for phones now.

What phone do they want?

Choice and cost of the phone This will often help you to decide over the main price of the contract and whether you opt for a pay-as-you-go phone. Certain phones will cost more when you buy them outright, which is what you will need to do with a pay-as-you-go phone. Also, certain phones are only free if you buy them on certain contracts. If your child wants the latest Android phone or the latest Blackberry, then you'll need to spend more on the contract than you will for last year's models.

What network are you on?

Networks for use It's more likely that you're going to look into the network that you're already on, rather than looking at a different company. There are two reasons for this. The first is that there are chances that you'll get a better deal, since you are already a customer with them. The second one is that the calls between the same network are cheaper and could be free. Mobile company 3 tends to do free 3-to-3 calls, while Orange offers cheaper calls and the chance to add Magic Numbers to your plan every six months.

What about international calls?

Packages for international calls This is unlikely for a teenager, but you will need to consider this. Does your child make international phone calls? If so, there are packages that you can add onto the contracts. You may also need to look into phone contracts for business if your teenager is an entrepreneur.

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