How to clear my online cookies?
The amount of online cookies that you may have depends on the amount of sites that you visit on a daily basis. Your computer collects cookie files from each website that you visit while you are on your computer. If you dislike the idea of having online cookies, you can easily delete them by following these few simple steps.
Open up your web browser
Start-up whichever web browser that you are using. If you use several different web browsers then you can open all of the browsers and clean out the cookies all at once. In order to limit the amount of data that you have to delete in the future, limit your web browser use to one.
Go to tools
Find the Tools option on your toolbar. If you are using Google Chrome, then it is under the picture of a wrench. If you are using Firefox, then you will be able to find the "Tools" menu on the toolbar. Click on Tools and select either "Clear history" or "Clear all" or "Clear browsing data."
Delete online cookies
A window will pop-up on your screen. It will show you a whole list of items like cache and history that you can clear. Scroll down to where it says "Cookies" and use your mouse to click on the "Cookies" box. This will check the box. Once the box is checked, press "Clear Now" to erase all of the cookies in your web browser permanently.
Incognito window
If you hate the fact that you have to consistently clear the online cookies in each of your different browsers, then you can surf the web in "incognito mode." This setting allows you to go to various websites without collecting cookies. Therefore, this will save you the time of having to clear your cookies at the end of each day.
Repeat these steps
Cookies are meant to collect data on you that you may have entered while visiting the website. This also allow cookies to accumulate each time that you search something or go to a website. Therefore, if you really want to prevent any online cookie data from building up, you need to repeat these steps on a daily basis. This will help to remove any information that the site may have stored on you.