How to compare gym membership prices
Ever thought of joining the gym? Before you go ahead and get started, you should first consider all the various aspects of gym membership so that you can find the most suitable gym which gives you value for money.
Cost of gym membership and length of contract
The cost of your gym membership will vary from gym to gym and offer to offer, so it is worth reviewing offers from various gyms before deciding which is the best gym for you. The usual cost of a membership will usually be based on a monthly direct-debit. You may also be charged a joining fee. A contract with a gym usually ranges from anything between three months and a year. This is an important factor to consider when joining a gym because it can be difficult to leave a gym before the contract has expired. If you do wish to leave before your contract expires, the terms and conditions of your contract may mean that you have to pay a fee to be released from your contract. Gym membership's below three months are rare, but 'LA Fitness' offer a six week membership for as low as £49 if you wish to avoid a long-term contract.
Hours you can attend the gym
The hours you can attend the gym will vary depending on the gym membership you have taken out. Many gym clubs will offer 'peak' and 'off-peak' terms and conditions that you need to adhere to. For example, student membership's are usually offered at a lower price than a general gym membership, but it can mean that the student is required to sign in at the gym by a specific 'off-peak' time. General gym memberships will usually allow you to attend the gym any time during the day.
Equipment that can be used
When deciding upon a gym membership, it is worth noting which facilities your membership allows you to use. Some membership, usually the higher-priced ones, will allow for all gym facilities to be used. However, if you take out a shorter-term, less expensive contract, you might be unable to use facilities such as the pool or sauna.
Free introductory passes
An offer of a free gym pass is a very common feature of most gyms. This allows a prospective gym user to view the facilities and experience use of the equipment for themselves to decide whether they believe they want to join that particular gym. Gyms such as 'LA Fitness', 'Nuffield Health' and 'Fitness First' all offer gym passes that can be claimed on their respective websites. They generally ask for your name and address, a suitable time to contact you to arrange a time for your free pass and help to find a gym in your local area.